repost @kentuckymaker : Shop Sneak Peek! For our fiber makers and workshops coming up I have selected yarns that I particularly LOVE to work with. One is @blueskyfibers. They are a company that has the most delicious yarns! Y’all will be able to get these lovelys for yourselves as soon as we open!
???? by @kinga_monika_mnich .
#kentuckymaker #craft #art #crafty #kentucky #yarn #yarncraft #diy #crafts #maker #makersofinstagram #selfcare #friends #family #love #fiber #knit #knittersofinstagram #craftastherapy #makersgonnamake #creativelifehappylife #handmadeisbetter #knitwear #loveyarn #handmade #yarnaddict #sharethelex #blueskyfibers
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