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Life is looking so different and wonderful these days. My gosh she changes on an…

Life is looking so different and wonderful these days. My gosh she changes on an hourly basis sometimes it seems. We are getting out for walk when we can, but mostly snuggled up at home.

One thing I want to talk about is formula feelings because I don’t see a ton about it. In fact, I feel like there is a stigma attached to moms who don’t breastfeed. I personally haven’t felt that but have friends who have.

So here’s what I’m feeling today:

Mammas we all need to be gentler and kinder to each other. Fed is best. Personally I am a breast cancer survivor that has had a mastectomy and reconstruction so breast feeding isn’t an option. But I have friends who choose to bottle feed and we should all celebrate our babies being loved and fed. FED is best.

Formula is not a dirty word and moms who can’t or choose not to breastfeed are not exempt from how hard it is to feed their baby. I just felt the need to say that for anyone suffering silently today.

You’re doing a great job. 🌻

Much love, SS


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  1. panizzut says:

    It’s so crazy because there was a time when breastfeeding had a stigma attached to it. I agree as long as your baby is loved and fed all is good ❤️

  2. dicegamble says:
