The Blog

Friends! It’s my 21st spiritual birthday! Today is a special day for me and I’d…

Friends! It’s my 21st spiritual birthday! ❤️ Today is a special day for me and I’d love to give y’all some encouragement. Don’t give up.
A little over 22 years ago I had 2 failed marriages, was recovering from an alcohol and cocaine addiction, had been working in the sex industry over a decade and had recently moved back to Kentucky from Mexico City – where I had lived for 8 years – to heal. I didn’t give up and fought to get out of the sex industry when it was crushing me inside.
Then, I walked into a small church and expected to be judged but I was only met with love. 21 years ago today on April 27, 2003 – I saw Jesus for who He really is, finally understood that crazy thing called GRACE and gave my life to Him. I realized that no one has ever gone too far for the love and acceptance of Jesus.
Since then, I have peace in my heart that only Jesus can provide.
I didn’t give up when I thought I would never get married again, that no one could love me with my crazy past.
I fought through cancer to stay alive and then I fought through infertility to create a family with my husband that I adore.
I’ve gotten to do some cool things… Pastor churches, start businesses, a non-profit, author my first book…
And all of that is great. But not what defines me. Only Jesus does.
So thankful for my family and my friends who stuck it out with me, who checked in on me, who continue to share in this wild life.
21 years ago today I gave my life to Jesus. I accepted grace and love into my heart and my life changed. I didn’t give up on myself and decided to turn everything over to someone greater than me. And you can do that too. If you want to talk to someone about that – message me. Don’t give up. ❤️


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  1. Melanie M says:

    Love this!❤️I’m so happy for you and your family❤️

  2. Dearest one!! SUCH a beautiful day!!!