Merry Christmas to you all. We are praying you sensed the love of the Lord today. I know families grieving and families celebrating. Our family did both this year. Friends, the joy of the Lord is our strength. Sending love to you all. ❤️
Today, take some time to remember why we celebrate. The biggest gift of them all.
The birth of Jesus. The most joyous news ever! Our Rescuer, our Savior, was born. I’m beginning the day with love and an overflowing sense of gratitude. Thank you Jesus for being born, for being our rescuer. For placing us at this time in history, for our families and our friends old and new. Thank you for You.
“But the angel reassured them, saying, “Don’t be afraid. For I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! For today in Bethlehem a Rescuer was born for you.”
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