The Blog

3 weeks. Hey! If you hadn’t seen what’s happening here at the Savage household …

💥 3 weeks.💥 Hey! If you hadn’t seen what’s happening here at the Savage household are getting ready for our sweet baby Josephine to arrive! Since my SIL is carrying her as our gestational carrier I knew I had to get myself in shape before she is born. Cause I’m 50 y’all! I need all the energy I can get!
After the past few years of doing through IVF treatments and a raging sugar addiction I had gained a lot of weight, inflammation and felt like I was walking through molasses.
I started struggling with depression, and physically I was going downhill. I was constantly tired, and was having back issues.
So I went to what I KNOW works. I have coached hundreds of other men and women on how to get healthy so I knew I had to make a decision to care for myself TOO, get stronger and work on my mind and heart. I had to invest in myself so that I could be the best for my amazing husband and our daughter.
You all know I am ALL ABOUT inspiring others, and knew this would be a part of the journey for me, being able to inspire others to get healthy, not just in their business but their life too.
So it’s nerve-racking to put myself out there. To show you the process, not just the finished fitness Barbie. But if someone is out there and THEY need hope, inspiration and a kick in the pants – I want them to know I am there for them That THEY could make simple changes too and get stronger and healthier.
So I am taking you all with me. I am going to be very authentic with what it looks like and my wins and losses.
I am looking for 20 women to join my upcoming online fitness and nutrition 30 day challenge that I will begin leading in July. If you are ready, want amazing support, solid nutrition and fitness plans and a kick in your pants community – just comment, like below or message me and we will have a talk about YOUR goals and see if it’s the right fit for you.


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  1. timsavage says:

    You are an inspiration!

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️