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Are you living your life with clipped wings? There have been plenty of times in …

Are you living your life with clipped wings? There have been plenty of times in my life that I have allowed the voices of others to hold me back.
For example, at one point of my life I was living with a guy who was abusive verbally and emotionally. He manipulated me, would take the money I earned each night to use for himself, telling me he knew how to handle it better. He had multiple affairs with my co workers at the club I worked in, and even stayed at my club partying after I had gotten off work and had gone home.
At least once or twice a week he told me I would never find a man that would love me like he did and for a long time I believed him. I stayed because I thought I was stuck. Then one day I realized I was worth more than that. That I could live my life free from the abuse and emotional toll it had on my life and just leave. I shut down the voices that told me I couldn’t.
Now – I am happily married, run 3 businesses, have an amazing daughter at the age of 50 and am on the journey of healing the damage I’ve done over the years to my body and helping others do the same.
Don’t listen to all the voices that tell you that you will fail. That you can’t.
One thing we talk about a lot in our wellness groups is personal development – what are you reading or listening to every single day to improve your heart, mind and spirit? Drop some of your faves below 🙂
I dare you to listen to the smaller voice inside that says- but what if you did? What if you were free? What if you SUCCEED?
Then go for it.
Use your wings and FLY.


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