???? F R E E C L A S S E S… ???? Go HERE to REGISTER. https://bit.ly/virtualknitting – link in profile – OK y’all – here’s the deal. I would love for everyone to be crafting awesomeness. ESPECIALLY in this time of social distancing. ???? SO! I AM OFFERING ALL MY VIRTUAL KNITTING 101 CLASSES NOW FOR F R E E. ????
Herbert Benson, a pioneer in mind/body medicine and author of “The Relaxation Response,” says that the repetitive action of needlework can induce a relaxed state like that associated with meditation and yoga. Once you get beyond the initial learning curve, knitting and crocheting can lower heart rate and blood pressure and reduce harmful blood levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Want to lower stress levels? Gain some skills? Do something that makes you HAPPY? Sign up for a class. .
You will need one skein of yarn and some needles to match – if you would like us to ship you yarn you can go to our online shop HERE: http://thekmco.com – Since it is an online class you will need to have your yarn and needles provided by yourself. If you have question on how to get those tools – message me. I’ll help you figure it out. .
See you there!
So true, repetitive hands-on is very therapeutic! Hand quilting has always been my go to…. but branched out and enjoy knitting and crocheting too…. love the feel of different yarns!
#kentuckymaker #sharethelex #woodfordco #versaillesky #lys #localyarnshop #yarnshop #yarn #yarnlove #yarnaddict #knit #knitting #knittingaddict #knittersofig #knittersofinstagram #knittingismytherapy #knitalong #printedcotton #cottonyarn #cotton
Is there a shopping list posted? I’ve always wanted to learn and I’m still working but hours cut majorly