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Today is the day! 25 YEARS OF SOBRIETY. I walked into my first 12 step meeting i…

Today is the day! 25 YEARS OF SOBRIETY. I walked into my first 12 step meeting in Mexico City with a baseball cap on, a huge hangover from the night before and a desire to change my life. I was breaking apart on the inside. The adult entertainment industry was breaking me down. Sad, lonely, and always had a drink in my hand. Then – I made one decision to change. And it changed my ENTIRE life. It took quite a few years after to leave the industry but with my sobriety I was able to survive it.
I was just thinking how grateful I am to #1 – still be alive. #2 that I have my sobriety. I am so blessed to have the life I fought for and dreamed of.
Now – I have amazing friends and family. We are THERE for each other. We SHOW UP for each other.
I would love for you to be a part of my incredible community to get healthy physically, mentally and financially. * Check out my stories for more of my sobriety health journey and go here if you want to be a part of our coaching community:
Don’t give up on your dreams. If something is holding you back GET HELP. NEVER GIVE UP. Keep on going. You CAN do it!! No matter what has happened in your life. No matter how many obstacles seem to be in your way.
KEEP AT IT. The world needs something that YOU have inside of you. That only YOU can contribute. Sort through what that is and GO FOR IT. #recoveryrockstars
* Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.


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  1. 😍 👏👏👏 Love you güera ❣️