Sandi savage
The Blog
Hey! I'm Sandi from Kentucky. I am passionate about seeing you learn more about God and who He created you to be so that you can overflow love into this generation.
We found out what we are having!!!!
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Aww , Congratulations
Congrats guys!
Aweee yessss! Congratulations!!!!
Congrats beautiful fam!!!
Congrats I am so happy for you all!!
Yay!!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations guys!!!
Congratulations Sandy!
Why are you guys the cutest!!!! Omg congrats!!!
Congratulations guys
So, so happy for you guys!!
Love you Que emoción amiga!!! Muchísimas felicidades!!!
Wow congrats
Oh my goodness!’n congratulations y’all.
Congrats you guys!!
In case you missed the news yesterday- we are having a baby girl! So so very exc… »
« Y’all! Today is the day we find out if we are having a boy or a girl! What do yo…
, Congratulations 
Congrats guys!
Aweee yessss! Congratulations!!!!

Congrats beautiful fam!!!
Yay!!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations guys!!!

Congratulations Sandy!
Why are you guys the cutest!!!! Omg congrats!!!
Congratulations guys

So, so happy for you guys!!

Wow congrats

Oh my goodness!’n congratulations y’all.

Congrats you guys!!
